Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Another reader responds

A reader comment to my entry Who writes this shit?? clears up much:
For information about the CARIBE program, you can simple go to http://www.caribeprogram.com/refservices.html

This program is to assist refugees from the Caribbean and is part of the State of Florida Refugee Services. From their site:"Eligible students may receive vouchers to pay for vocational training, tuition, materials and fees for programs offered at Erwin, Leary, Tampa Bay Tech and Brewster Technical Centers."

I also found information about the WAIT program from Reinhardt College. From the site:"WAIT stands for Working Adults Into Teaching. This new degree completion program at Reinhardt College will help working adults earn a degree in Early Childhood Education."

So, in a simple summary, the above author is probably correct that the unbacked story is probably false, but programs are out there that can make it easy for non-citizens to get a free education in this country. However, there are a lot of programs out there for citizens too. You just have to get off your lazy behind and do some of the leg work that a few non-citizens have been willing to do to get a free ride.

If you have received this email, don't just forward it, read it fact check it and if you don't like what you come up with, do what I do and contact your legislators. I you take an active part in the government, then they can't run over you as easily or as frequently.
A big ol' tip o' the spoon to waif69 for the info!

The CARIBE Program is an Adult and Community Education project that provides free English language, GED, and Hi-Tec vocational training to recent Cuban, Haitian, and other entrants with refugee or asylee status.
According to the Web site the CARIBE Program... is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Refugee Resettlement and administered by the Florida Department of Children and Families. The program is administered by the Hillsborough County Public Schools, therefore it is not a nationwide program. Hillsborough County, Florida is were the city of Tampa is located.

Reinhardt College, which administers the WAIT Program, is a "Private liberal arts college affiliated with the United Methodist Church," ePodunk.com. So, again not a national program. And not restricted to immigrants, legal, illegal or otherwise.

1 comment:

Noebie said...

snopes has it now
