Sunday, August 20, 2006

Oops! posted too soon, Register supports TIF

That The Sunday Des Moines Register supports the continuation of tax increment fianancing, after a short series looking at the corporate giveaway law, comes as no surpize. After all the upper echelons of the newspaper's corporate and editorial staff benefit from TIF developments, such as the Tournament Club of Iowa golf course in Polk City. And the lower level news and editorial staff, delusional college educated, white collar types, think they are a cut above the union riff-raff of the east side.

Unfortunately, I can't post the editorial that set me off because it's print-only.

But The Register does have a follow-up story about its past TIF stories, that meekly states in the lead:"State leaders should re-examine economic development incentives being used by communities across Iowa to assure they aren't working at cross-purposes to lure new jobs and businesses, some Iowans say."

Of course, The Register has reation from the two major party candidates for governor. First we hear from Republicrat Jim Nussle:"In order to maximize its impact, we need to ensure local communities are able to best utilize TIF to attract skilled workers, create jobs and grow our state's economy."

What the hell does that mean??!

Now the Dempublican candidate Chester Cluver:"We should be looking for ways to bring additional transparency to the use of TIFs, so that Iowans can have a clear picture of property tax revenues."

Yeah, and...whaduhya mean by that??! Hopefully that under a Chester Culver administration we little guys who're on the shit end of the TIF stick can see that we're on the stick end of the TIF stick.

Under either of these schmucks the municipalities of Iowa will continue approving TIF deals for blighted farmland so big corporate developers can continue building private golf courses and mega malls.

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